
国外知乎这里指的其实是 Quora ,一个和知乎类似的网站。这里推荐的加速器也都是国外品牌加速器服务商,国外加速器厂商由于多年的运营,在技术上已经十分的成熟,和中国大陆地区加速器提供商相比,用户也不用承担国内加速器服务商常见的被封的风险。尤其是在2018年,中国国内互联网控制处于不断收紧的状态,在国内已经没有多少加速器提供商能够提供安全、稳定的服务了,在安卓各大手机应用市场,也很难下载到加速器应用,苹果公司也将中国区的App store 中的加速器应用全部下架,导致中国地区的iOS用户只能选择从其他国家的App Store中下载加速器软件(访问:苹果手机如何下载加速器?),甚至有的人被迫换到了安卓手机。



在中国的时候,因为要上一些国外国外网站,以及一些对外业务,我必须要一个稳定的加速器,所以我尝试过许多的加速器。我的个人经验是,免费加速器没有一个是好用的, NO FREE 加速器 WORKS in CHINA。


  • 有大陆直连线路或者针对大陆优化的线路
  • 选择物理距离接近大陆地区的服务器,香港,日本,新加坡和韩国加速器服务器等等
  • 必须要可靠,稳定,能抵抗中国互联网防火长城GFW的干扰
  • 免费加速器极不可靠,使用十分的不稳定,而且被屏蔽的可能性极大


  • 购买前多看看加速器评测
  • 因为GFW的原因偶有断线是很正常的
  • 选择离中国较近的服务器,延迟低,体验会比较好
  • 因为成本,时间的缘故,只有极少数的加速器能在GFW面前保持良好的体验
  • 不要迷信加速器提供商的宣传,最好是自己试用一下再决定,如,青蛙加速器 提供三天免费试用
  • 购买之前特别注意退款条款


目前位置,我使用过最稳定的加速器是 Exp加速器,推荐使用Exp加速器的香港,新加坡,日本加速器服务器。

2018年最好用的翻墙加速器推荐,支持 iOS/iPhone、安卓手机、Windows和macOS电脑

  • 不限带宽,不限速度
  • 无限制的服务器切换
  • 服务器永不宕机
  • 提供全面的加速器协议 Open加速器 (TCP, UDP), L2TP-IPsec, SSTP, and PPTP
  • 256位加密,安全性极高
  • 不保存用户数据
  • 87+国家 136+服务器
  • 第延迟的香港,新加坡服务器
  • 全平台支持
  • 30天退款保证,有任何不满可以直接退款
  • 支持3个客户端同时连接

访问 Exp加速器

Exp 加速器 评测
2.青蛙加速器2018年快速、稳定的翻墙加速器推荐,技术强劲,支持 iOS/iPhone、安卓手机、Windows和macOS电脑

  • 全球50+节点700+服务器
  • 覆盖五大洲,拥有200,000+个IP
  • 服务器高可用,连接可靠
  • 不限制带宽和服务器切换
  • 不错的速度和稳定性
  • 独有的Chameleon技术
  • 不涉及第三方服务器
  • 全平台覆盖,app上手简单
  • NAT防火墙提供额外的安全性
  • 全天候的客服支持

前往青蛙 加速器

青蛙 加速器评测

3.Nord加速器2018年安全性不错的翻墙加速器推荐,独有混淆技术,支持 iOS/iPhone、安卓手机、Windows和macOS电脑

  • 49+国家500+服务器
  • 支持6个同时连接
  • 提供独有obfsproxy混淆技术
  • 全平台支持
  • 不错的客服支持
  • 可自动切换服务器
  • 30天退款保证
  • 3天免费试用
  • 提供无障碍安装客户端

前往 Nord 加速器

4.Pure加速器2018年速度可观且价格便宜的加速器推荐,支持 iOS/iPhone、安卓手机、Windows和macOS电脑

  • 141个国家500+服务器
  • 自建服务器安全可靠
  • 不保存用户日志
  • 提供256位加密
  • 提供多种协议支持 Open加速器, L2TP/IPSec, PPTP, SSTP, and IKEv2
  • 可设置自动连接
  • 高度匿名性
  • 拥有超过80000+ IP
  • NAT 防火墙支持
  • DDoS保护
  • 7天退款保证

前往 Pure 加速器

Pure 加速器评测
5.Ivacy加速器2018年最便宜的国外加速器推荐,支持 iOS/iPhone、安卓手机、Windows和macOS电脑

  • 100+国家250+服务器
  • 不限制带宽
  • 可自由切换服务器
  • 公共wifi自动连接服务
  • 256位加密高度匿名
  • 5个同时连接
  • 支持 Open加速器 (TCP, UDP), L2TP-IPsec, PPTP 协议
  • 100+服务器支持P2P下载
  • 不保存日志
  • 可自动选择服务器
  • 全平台支持
  • 提供全天候客服
  • 7天退款保证

前往 Ivacy 加速器

Ivacy 加速器评测

2018年 Windows电脑、iOS/iPhone和安卓手机上最好用的加速器

    • Windows系统最好用的翻墙加速器推荐 2018
    • 2018年适合iphone使用的加速器推荐
    • 2018年苹果手机iPhone下载加速器的方法
    • 2018年最新4个免费安卓加速器推荐
    • 购买了国外加速器,怎么在iPhone和安卓手机上下载加速器 应用?


服务器覆盖:50个国家 700+服务器
访问 青蛙加速器 官网



访问 青蛙加速器 官网


青蛙加速器隶属于Golden Frog公司。Golden Frog GmbH 成立于瑞士,因为瑞士有利的隐私法以及尊重互联网用户的权利。

瑞士在尊重隐私权上有悠久历史,并已经建立了一个法律体制来保护它。隐私权在瑞士联邦宪法第13条中被保障。根据瑞士联邦数据保护法(DPA)和瑞士联邦数据保护条例(DPO),在线活动的隐私权被保护着。 不像许多其他国家的数据保护法,数据保护法保护属于自然人和法人的个人资料。

瑞士已经与欧盟、美国和其它国家建立全球框架和安全港。这延伸了其边界之外的隐私保护。瑞士联邦最高法院在 2010 年裁定 IP 地址是个人信息,并在瑞士隐私法下是不能在个人不知晓的情况下被用来跟踪互联网的使用。




进入青蛙加速器官网,点击马上尝试青蛙加速器  或者 免费试用



青蛙加速器 Windows客户端界面

访问 青蛙加速器 官网



  • 不保留用户日志
  • 良好的加密
  • 遍布全球的服务器
  • 不错的连接速度


  • 不支持p2p
  • 有些设置不符合国人习惯

访问 青蛙加速器 官网

bookmark_borderPureVPN 评测–知乎推荐最新翻墙方法vpn推荐付费vpn下载手机ios免费稳定的vpn苹果能用的vnp电脑

服务器:141个国家 750+服务器

访问 Pure加速器 官网



访问 Pure加速器 官网




访问 Pure加速器 官网


登录 Pure加速器 官方网站

登录Pure加速器官方网站,点击按钮  Get Pure加速器






访问 Pure加速器 官网



  • 老牌加速器、技术成熟
  • 提供国内加速器服务器可供选择
  • 速度稳定、不常掉线
  • 年套餐价格实惠


  • 无中文页面,需要一定的英语基础
  • 不支持银联付款
  • 单月套餐偏贵

访问 Pure加速器 官网


服务器覆盖:78个国家 200+服务器

访问 Exp加速器 网站





值得称道的是,针对移动设备,Exp加速器提供免费试用,iOS系统可以在app store中下载,可以免费试用7天,安卓设备可以免费试用1天,不过都需要提前注册一个Exp加速器账号

访问 Exp加速器 网站


Exp加速器提供78个国家 200多个服务器可供选择,除常见的美国加速器服务器之外,也包含对大陆地区十分友好的香港加速器、日本加速器、韩国加速器、台湾加速器等地的服务器。
常见的加速器协议全部支持:PPTP, L2TP/IPSec, SSTP, 以及 Open加速器 (TCP and UDP)
Exp加速器十分注重匿名性,开设了暗网专属官网(.onion )。可以通过Tor浏览器访问该官网,访问你的网络流量被ISP窥探到。对一些十分在意匿名性的人而言,这无疑是一个很好的消息。

访问 Exp加速器 网站



登录Exp加速器官方网站,点击 Get Exp加速器





访问 Exp加速器 网站


Exp加速器 Windows客户端

Exp加速器 Mac客户端


Exp加速器 iOS客户端

访问 Exp加速器 网站



  • 良好的用户体验
  • 30天退款保证
  • 过硬的技术支持
  • 智能DNS支持
  • 多个操作系统支持
  • 快速稳定的服务


  • 不支持中文客服,无中文页面
  • 中国境内没有服务器
  • 对老版OS X系统的客户端支持存在一定得兼容性问题

访问 Exp加速器 网站



操作步骤:以Android 6.0系统为例
1、打开系统设置(Setting),在无线&有线网络(Wireless & networks)



连接方式可以选择PPP encryption(MPPE)连接


5、当连接上加速器服务器时,在系统通知栏会提示加速器已连接(加速器 activated)的信息。如果需要断开连接,直接选择通知栏上的加速器网络图标,即可完成断开网络。

关于加速器全局模式(Always-On 加速器)





加速器百科将向你展示如何在Windows系统中使用速度测试功能 什么是速度测试? 速度测试是一个有用的工具,帮助你知道哪些加速器服务器位置将提供给你最快的速度,以便你选择这些服务器进行连接。


要运行速度测试,需要先在Windows计算机上打开Exp加速器。在主屏幕上,单击省略号(…),然后单击Speed Test 速度测试。

访问 Exp加速器


在速度测试屏幕上,单击 Run Test 运行测试。测试将需要几分钟的时间运行。(如果你不想等待测试完成,可以通过单击“Stop Test.”停止测试。)

访问 Exp加速器



  • 延迟–LATENCY




  •  速度指数–SPEED INDEX


访问 Exp加速器


具有最高速度索引的位置是最适合网络浏览的位置。 如果你尝试访问来自特定国家/地区的网站或内容,请选择该国家/地区具有最高速度索引的服务器位置。 例如,如果你想访问美国内容,那么你将需要连接到美国的服务器位置,速度指数最高。在下面的截图中,这将是“美国 – 纽约”。应用程式会记住你最近使用过的几个位置。你也可以点击你最喜欢的地点旁边的星星⭐️,将它们标记为你的收藏。 你可以通过打开位置选择器并点击标有星级⭐️的标签来访问你最近和收藏的地点。 自己尝试! 运行速度测试并连接到具有最佳速度指数的服务器位置。相信通过此方法你会找到合适自己的服务器。

访问 Exp加速器













bookmark_borderBest VPNS for China 2018

As you know,you can’t visit some websites like Google,Youtube or twitter and so on in China because of China’s infamous censorship system,especially the Great Firewall of China (GFW).So 加速器S are one of the best ways to defeat it.
Are you looking for the best 加速器S for China?Which 加速器 can really works in China?You can find your answer below:

                                                          阅读中文版本 立即阅读                                                        

Note:In this article,I will recommend you the best 加速器S services in China.I know there are a lot of 加速器S services in China and overseas.But there are so many 加速器S that can’t really work in China.So I will recommend 加速器S that have a stable and faster network in this article.Let’s get started:

As you know,most of us surf on the Internet without 加速器S.Actually there are so many people that need 加速器S.Some people work with foreigners,communicate with foreigners,they visit Google,Youtube,Facebook,Skype everyday.So they will get crazy if they can’t visit the website that look through everyday.It’s important for these people to keep network stable and faster.I will recommend 加速器S that need to be paid.I think they use 加速器(Virtual Private Network) as usual.I will recommend some 加速器S that need to be paid below:

A:Paid 加速器 Software

Target audience:Professional people、Software developer、Foreign trade workers、Reporters、Foreign travelers and so on.

1.Exp加速器-Best 加速器 in China


Why I Recommend:
-Stability:Expree加速器 has a big advantage that are very stable and less limited by GFW.There are 136 加速器S servers in 87 countries around the world,so it provide for users with so many choices,and the traffic isn’t limited at all.Exp加速器 is  very stable all the time even though GFW exists.
-Security:Exp加速器 do it very well in network security ,support 256 bits Open加速器(TCP,UDP), L2TP-IPsec,SSTP and PPTP encrption protocol,and won’t save users’ log,user can surf on the internet and don’t worry about personal privacy,it’s more security.
-Device Compatibility:Multiple devices are compatible with Exp加速器,you can use it on PC(Windows and Mac) and mobile device(Android mobile、iPhone and tablet);you can connect it with 3 devices at the same time.
-After-sales Service:30 days money back guarantee,you can get your refund if you have any problem,so you will have enough time to test it;Exp加速器 support 24X7 customer service through chat online or email.
Cost:$ 8.32/per month(support mutiple methods of payment:Visa、Mastercard、Paypal、Bitcoin、Ali Pay)
Official Website:Exp加速器 Website(No 加速器S)

加速器BAIKE Recommend:

                                                   Exp加速器 Website Visit Now                                                  



Why I Recommend:
-Stability:Pure加速器 is very stable and faster.There are more than 450 加速器S servers in 101 countries around the world,total 80000+ IP address,its’ traffic and speed isn’t limited at all.Pure加速器 provides special connect ways and 加速器 servers for China user at the same time.
-Security:support 256 bits encrption protocol, L2TP-IPsec,SSTP and PPTP encrption protocol,and won’t save users’ log,don’t support higher security Open加速器 protocol.
-Device Compatibility:Multiple devices are compatible with Exp加速器,you can use it on PC(Windows and Mac) and mobile device(Android mobile、iPhone and tablet),but it can’t work well on mobile devices;you can connect it with 3 devices at the same time.
-After-sales Service:7 days money back guarantee,you can get your refund if you have any problem;Pure加速器 support customer service through chat online
Cost:$ 2.95/per month(support mutiple methods of payment:Visa、Mastercard、Paypal、Bitcoin、Ali Pay)
Official Website:Pure加速器 Website(Need 加速器S)

                                                      Pure加速器 Website Visit Now                                                      



Why I Recommend:
-Stability:There are more than 850 加速器S servers in 190 countries and more than 340 locations around the world,total 110000+ IP address,its’ traffic and speed isn’t limited at all.Pure加速器 provides special connect ways and 加速器 servers for China user at the same time.And there are 加速器S server in China Beijing,Shenzhen and Chengdu city,Sichuan province.
-Security:support 256 bits encrption protocol, L2TP-IPsec,SSTP and PPTP encrption protocol,and won’t save users’ log,don’t support higher security Open加速器 protocol.
-Device Compatibility:Multiple devices are compatible with Exp加速器,you can use it on PC(Windows and Mac) and mobile device(Android mobile、iPhone and tablet),but it can’t work well on mobile devices;you can connect it with 5 devices at the same time.
-After-sales Service:30 days money back guarantee,but your order must meet some requests:it is the first order made on your account (e.g. renewals do not qualify);you claim your refund within 30 days of your order date;you have used less than 10GB of bandwidth (data transfer – total of upload and download activity through the 加速器);you have not exceeded 100 sessions (the number of times you have connected to our service); Hidemyass support customer service through chat online
Cost:$ 6.55/per month(support mutiple methods of payment:Visa、Mastercard、Paypal)
Official Website:Hidemyass-加速器-Website(Need 加速器S)

                                                       Hidemyass Website Visit Now                                                

B.Advanced Software

Target audience:Professional people、Software developer、Foreign trade workers、Reporters、Foreign travelers and so on.

1.BandwagonHost VPS with Shadowsocks

Why I Recommend:
-Stability:BandwagonHost with Shadowsocks is the most popular way to go pass GFW in China up to now.It has a high cost-performance ratio.
-Security:As you know,we will use Shadowsocks client with BandwagonHost.It creates an encrypted connection between the Shadowsocks client on your local computer and the one running on your proxy server, using an open-source internet protocol called SOCKS5.
-Device Compatibility:You can use it with Shadowsocks on your all platforms.We should download Shadowsocks client according to our device.
-After-sales Service:BandwagonHost provides us 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee.You can submit your tickets through backup panel.
Cost:$ 2.99/mo(support multiple methods of payment:Paypal、Ali Pay、Credit Card)
Official Website:BandwagonHost Website

加速器BAIKE Recommend:

  • What is the best way to cross the great firewall in China?BandwagonHost VPS with Shadowsocks
  • How to buy BandwagonHost VPS for Shadowsocks with coupon and promo code?
  • How to install Shadowsocks server with BandwagonHost VPS

bookmark_borderHow to setup ExpressVPN on Chrome in 5 minutes?

Exp加速器 is one of the best 加速器 angent in China.If you don’t realize Exp加速器,you can check  this Exp加速器 review article by 加速器BAIKE:Exp加速器 Review for 2017:Best 加速器 for China!   If you will travel to China,study in China or work in China,加速器BAIKE think it’s a good choice for you.As you know,Alipay and wechat are the most popular payment method in China,Exp加速器 support Alipay payment method in order to meet Chinese demands.If you buy Exp加速器 annually,you will get 65% discount,you can get it back in 30 days unconditional.As the best 加速器 serve in the world,Exp加速器 supports multi devices.Today 加速器BAIKE will show you how to setup Exp加速器 client on Chrome in 5 minutes.

The Exp加速器 Browser Extension allows you to remotely control the Exp加速器 app from your Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers.

Note: To use the Exp加速器 browser extension, you need to have the Exp加速器 Mac app (version 6.4 or newer) or Exp加速器 Windows app (version 6.2 or newer) downloaded and activated. You cannot use the Exp加速器 browser extension without the Exp加速器 app.

If you don’t have a Exp加速器 account,you can get a Exp加速器 account firstly.If you want to have it,get it right now.

                                                Exp加速器 Official Website                                                          

Log in your account

Firstly,you should have a Exp加速器 account.If you don’t have,just get it on Exp加速器 Official Website.

Log in your account on Exp加速器 Official Website.Go to My Subscription,and click Set up Exp加速器 button.


Download Exp加速器 browser extension

After that,you will enter Exp加速器 install page,you can choose the software according to your browser,Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

When you have already finished your choice,you can click Download button to download Exp加速器 extension.I download Chrome extension.


Install Exp加速器 browser extension

You have got your browser extension.You can install your extension now.After download,we will enter the Quick Install page.You can click Quick Install button to finish.

When you click Quick Install button,you will got a note that ask you add this extension,you just add it.Wait a minute,you will see the Exp加速器 icon on the upper right corner of your own browser.

You can click the icon,you will see the Exp加速器 interface.

Once you see the 加速器 is ON message on the app screen, you can begin surfing with freedom and security!To disconnect from the 加速器 server location, click the ON Button while the 加速器 is on.Now you can visit Google、Youtube and other blocked websites successfully.

To select another 加速器 location, click the Country Flag button.To connect to the best location recommended for you, click on SMART LOCATION.


As you know,Exp加速器 is famous for its’ speed and stable features.Although it’s more expensive than others,you get what you pay for. If you have doubt about Exp加速器,you can try it for 30 days.Exp加速器 provides for you 30 Day Money Back Guarantee,you have enough time to test it from all aspects.

                                                Exp加速器 Official Website                                                       

If you think Exp加速器 isn’t your choice,and you can check this 加速器 direction written by 加速器BAIKE:BEST 加速器S FOR CHINA 2017.

bookmark_borderHow to setup ExpressVPN on Mac in 5 minutes?

Exp加速器 is one of the best 加速器 angent in China.If you don’t realize Exp加速器,you can check  this Exp加速器 review article by 加速器BAIKE:Exp加速器 Review for 2017:Best 加速器 for China!   If you will travel to China,study in China or work in China,加速器BAIKE think it’s a good choice for you.As you know,Alipay and wechat are the most popular payment method in China,Exp加速器 support Alipay payment method in order to meet Chinese demands.If you buy Exp加速器 annually,you will get 65% discount,you can get it back in 30 days unconditional.As the best 加速器 serve in the world,Exp加速器 supports multi devices.Today 加速器BAIKE will show you how to setup Exp加速器 client on iPhone in 5 minutes.

This tutorial guide will walk you through the steps to set up Exp加速器 for Mac on your Mac OS X. Note: this app requires Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), 10.11 (El Capitan), or 10.12 (Sierra) to use.

You can find out your Mac version by clicking on About this Mac in the Apple menu located in the upper-left corner of your screen.

If you don’t have a Exp加速器 account,you can get a Exp加速器 account firstly.If you want to have it,get it right now.

                                                Exp加速器 Official Website                                                          

Download the app

Open the Welcome Email you received when you signed up for Exp加速器. Click the link in the email.


If you can’t find the link, log in to your account here.


Once you’ve clicked the link in the welcome email or logged in to the website, click on Set Up Exp加速器 on the Active Subscriptions page. This will take you to the Downloads page.


Click on the Mac section. Click on the DOWNLOAD button to start downloading your app. Do not close the window! You will need it for the next step.


Get your activation code

In order to use Exp加速器 on your Windows computer, you will need your activation code. Let’s copy it to your clipboard.

To copy your activation code to the clipboard, click the copy code icon in the top right corner of the box containing the code. You will be asked to provide it later.


Install the app

Locate the download file on your computer and open it. A window will pop up, saying, “The package will run a program to determine if the software can be installed.” Click Continue.


You will be guided through the steps necessary to install the Exp加速器 software. Click Continue.


The Exp加速器 Installer will ask you to select a disk where you want to install the Exp加速器 software. Select a disk, then click Continue.


The installer will ask you to click install to perform the installation. Click Install.


Type your Mac username and password to authorize the installation, then click Install Software.


You will see the following window ONLY if you have installed Exp加速器 on your Mac before. If you don’t see this screen, skip ahead.

  • Select Keep existing account if you are reinstalling Exp加速器 with the same activation code as before.
  • Select Remove existing account and let me switch to another account if you are using a new activation code.

Select Continue.


The next screen gives you a chance to anonymously share analytics about your 加速器 connections with us so we can make our service faster and more reliable for you.It depends on you.


You will see a screen that says, “The installation was successful.” Click Close to complete the installation.


Set up Exp加速器

After the installation is complete, the Exp加速器 app will open automatically.

On the Exp加速器 Setup screen, paste your activation code. This is the code you found earlier. You can paste it by pressing Command + V, or right-clicking the rectangular field and clicking Paste. Then click OK.


When the activation is complete, you will see a “Success!” screen. Click Start using the app.Congratulations! You are now ready to access our many 加速器 server locations.


Connect to a 加速器 server location

To connect to a  加速器 server location, click the ON Button. By default, Exp加速器 will suggest the location that provides the most optimal experience for you, called Smart Location.


Choose a different 加速器 server location

To choose a different 加速器 server location, click on Choose Location to access the list of 加速器 locations.

To connect to a server location, click on it, then click the ON Button. (You can also connect by double-clicking the location).

The list of 加速器 locations features three tabs: RecommendedAll, and Favorites.

The Recommended tab shows you Exp加速器’s top picks for you to connect to.


Once you see the 加速器 is ON message on the app screen, you can begin surfing with freedom and security!To disconnect from the 加速器 server location, click the ON Button while the 加速器 is on.Now you can visit Google、Youtube and other blocked websites successfully.


As you know,Exp加速器 is famous for its’ speed and stable features.Although it’s more expensive than others,you get what you pay for. If you have doubt about Exp加速器,you can try it for 30 days.Exp加速器 provides for you 30 Day Money Back Guarantee,you have enough time to test it from all aspects.

                                                Exp加速器 Official Website                                                       

If you think Exp加速器 isn’t your choice,and you can check this 加速器 direction written by 加速器BAIKE:BEST 加速器S FOR CHINA 2017.

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